UX 1.20 | Sprint 3 [11.5.2020–11.26.2020]

Dec 8, 2020
Photo by You X Ventures

After incorporating our lessons from our second design sprint, we jumped into our third design sprint.

Team: 3 Designers (part-time)

Selected Tasks:

  • Collaborator Sign-up - As an unregistered collaborator, I want to create a collaborator account to access GiveShop supplementary features
  • Visionary Sign-up - As an unregistered visionary, I wants to propose a project to secure human and financial resources using GiveShop

Key Learnings:

  • One of our designers completed the collaborator sign-up flow, but our other designer could not finish the visionary sign-up flow. Therefore, we will be focusing on the visionary sign-up flow for the next sprint.

Improvements for Next Sprint:

  • Communicate and respond to blockers ASAP.

With our third sprint complete, we move onto our fourth sprint!




We are a budding startup in Silicon Valley aiming to simplify the act of giving. Our goal is to mobilize more people to get involved with meaningful causes.